Freedom-san’s Roadster

As of late, I have developed an addiction for well-executed time attack cars. A huge source of my inspiration stems from Narita Dog Fight and the awesome content that they keep blessing enthusiasts like myself with. Judging by their intensive knowledge and coverage of cars running on Tsukuba Circuit, I figured I would PM them about…

Favorite NB Miata

Guys, while I have always loved PhilSTAR/RobRiter’s NB, there’s this gem of a car that I have been in love with for a while. Jeremy D’Ambrosio knew what he wanted to do with the car and really created this tasteful 2nd gen Miata. Speedhunters even went as far to pen it, “Perfect”. You can follow Jeremy…

Turbo Rebuild

I rebuilt my turbo over the weekend and here are the highlights Turbo is a Garrett GT2554 off an SR20 This guide is very detailed and easy to follow. I hope to get a chance to rebuild a second turbo so that I can document it step by step in case this post gets deleted…

Feature: Chicago’s Kanjo King

One of the biggest things that I struggle with on the Miata is finding an identity and purpose for it. This explains the tentative schedule for the year, as well as my always-changing direction which makes me seem so fickle-minded about the entire build. The mission is to explore the different kinds of driving this summer,…


This is my first post on the blog ever. The idea for it came to me tonight at dinner. Hopefully this will not disappoint those who accidentally stumble upon this humble collection of ramblings. If you do manage to find yourself here–take a look around. On this blog, I make it my promise to write…